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For a long time, Twilight could feel it; a sense of emptiness she couldn't explain. Now that she's a princess, that feeling is stronger than ever. She finally decides to bring the matter up with Celestia. In response, Celestia gives her an old book.

The contents of that book will change her perspective of the world... and her beloved mentor. Just accepting the truth is a challenge. And after that?

She has to make a decision.

If you’re not watching PaulAsaran, let this convince you to. —PresentPerfect

An immeasurably well crafted, highly intense read. —Ghost Mike

First place winner of Rage Reviews! seventh F*** THIS PROMPT contest! So awesome.

Pre-read by JawJoe.

Cover art by Famosity.

Chapters (1)

It all started with a simple question. A simple, innocent question. Who could have guessed that it would lead to uncovering one of the deepest, darkest secrets in Equestria? Certainly not Pinkie, who must now face the ramifications of her curiosity, due to a question better left unanswered.

Why do we only speak Equestrian?


Edited by lordelliott
Featured 5.12.2017

Chapters (1)

While in the market, Fluttershy witnesses a strange pony appear out of thin air. Fluttershy and her friends want to help the stranger, but the mare's problem goes far beyond anything they've encountered before. It might take a unique perspective on friendship to solve the problem.

As it turns out, Fluttershy has one of those.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "Look, I Can Explain..." contest.

Chapters (5)

As the apocalypse descends, Celestia flies upwards to give it battle.

Chapters (1)

For centuries, ponykind thought Princess Platinum's splendorous silver crown lost for all time, but it has been found. Twilight Sparkle, the self-proclaimed Princess of Thieves, has tracked it down to the long-fallen Diamond Dog kingdom of Erebark, and means to enter the mountain to retrieve her kin's lost heirloom and settle scores with Princess Celestia.

Unfortunately, there are one or two details she didn't realize going into this mess. Namely, that she'll need to steal from the gilded gallery of one of the mightiest dragons ever to walk the land.


Preread by RossbyWaves, Cynewulf, Timaeus, Undome Tinwe, Brasta Septim, and Beltorn.
Special thanks to the aforementioned six for enabling and encouraging this story, along with a few other friends in the most exalted and dedicated purple girlfriends chat server.
Artwork brilliantly done by Lilfunkman.

Chapters (1)

Trixie is tired of being the cast-off and the laughing stock of Equestria. When she gets her hooves on a rare spell, she finally has the means to seek her revenge on Princess Twilight. Switching their bodies, Trixie becomes an overbearing royal overlord who wants everything her way. In the meantime, Twilight is stuck in Trixie's body and the Mane 6 have all been scrambled. Twilight and her friends have to find the answers to this puzzling spell before Trixie ruins Equestria for everypony!

Chapters (11)

Sunset has something she needs to tell Twilight Sparkle, but she just can't get the words out. It shouldn't be hard, yet she's finding it impossible.

All it is is four little words.

Chapters (1)

Why does Princess Celestia leave Twilight to face all the villains?
Sunset Shimmer has returned to Equestria, to confront her former teacher.
The solar princess decides it's time to answer Sunset's questions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blink

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much.

Twilight has had plenty of time to think about it. She knows what happens when she's neither here nor there. And if she has her way, nopony will ever teleport again.

I was so inspired by ocalhoun's story that I attempted to do some writing. I sent ocalhoun a PM with the results, not expecting a response, but I got one: "You should totally publish this as a sequel! ^.^"

This is the product of that inspiration. I hope you enjoy.

Dramatic Reading done by TheDizzyDan.

Chapters (1)

[Please read the author's notes after the expansion before reading. Thank you]

Welcome to the new Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. See your friends at each other's throats? You have to choose between them now, to stop the heartache of war with decisive victory. For the nation lies bleeding, its harmony shattered into a million pieces. Black and white and right and wrong have blurred together.

You must choose wisely, or all shall die.

~Image by JohnJoseco~ If anyone can find a fitting, unique image for this story, please do not hesitate to link in the comments.

[Author's Note]

The following stories should be read in order to get a good grasp on references to previous works.

- Sunset (Mandatory)*
- My Little Muffin (Optional)
- Clash of the Heavenly Titans (Optional)*
- Blood is Thicker / The Reluctant Reunion of the Redoubtable Rabble-Rouser (Strongly Recommended)

All can be found on my Deviant Art account: http://ciroton.deviantart.com/
Those with * can be found here on FIMFiction.

Chapters (25)